September 19, 2019
Con Amor By Diana with her first Collection; Blending in Nature, at Gratitude Migration Festival.
Feeling gratitude with Rhizome NYC team for giving me the opportunity to sale my 10 ways multi-purpose dresses for the first time. On July 14-16th 2017 more than 2,700 people from NYC, PA, NJ, gathered together at Hello Beach in Keansburg, New Jersey for the third annual Gratitude Migration Festival. Where everything was made by and from the community; Yoga classes, Sound Healing Meditation, along with consciousness expanding workshops, art projects, psychedelic body painting, human butterfly parades, life bands, different stages with DJ’s with New York City view. With the objective to enjoy life with all it’s beautiful diversity.

At Center Camp all the different artist gather together to showcase their beautiful artwork at the Artisan Bazaar. It was a privilege to share this place with so many talented Artists. I had the best time there, Seeing the goddesses trying my dresses. I felt appreciated as an artist seeing the positive reaction.Doing something with so much love for others and having the recognition has no price, it’s pure joy, and reminds me that this is why I wanted to do it in the first place. It’s with no doubt that I want to continue expressing my self through my art.

What a lucky girl I am, to be surrounded by so many amazing artists, who are helping to raise the vibration of the earth. We are all connected in an energy net, and what we do with this energy is all up to us. It is my life destiny to create, to enjoy the journey and what I do. Thank you to all the love warriors, that fight for their dreams, their goals and their visions. Thanks to all of them we are blessed with immortal human Art.